Hi again.
Half a year ago, i was working on an MMO engine, which turned out to be quite good. However, in the past months i have not had time to develop it further, but now things have changed. I have improved and expanded the engine so that it now supports better terrain rendering, better material system, AI and much more. I am also renaming the engine to Peoples SDK, since it can be used for much more then just MMO's, and it is not just cold bin libraries anymore, it also contains programs like a world editor and a patch manager. I am now releasing a little eye-candy from the engine, so you can see what kind of graphics it supports. The first three screenshots are with directional lighting, and the last is with dynamic lighting:
LOL, I thought those textures looked familiar :)
I have a few extra textures you could use if you are interested, you can find some on my blog here:http://xna-uk.net/blogs/randomchaos Just have a look through my terrain samples.
Your engine looks great by the way, will you be releasing source or just a library??
Thanks for the textures :). btw. if you apply mipmaps to your textures, you terrain sample will look even better. I will be releasing source code.
Wow, those screenshots look amazing.
Really well done!
Did you use the HLSL Shader from riemers website?
Also how did you set up those clouds? Is that a texture overlayed on a dome shaped model or are the clouds generated each time you load the game?
Thank you :).
The only thing i have used from riemers site are the textures. The clouds are pretty simple, it is just a texture on a dome, so nothing fancy with moving clouds. Something you can't see on the screenshot, is that the whole world is linked to a collision system, so you can easily create players that can walk on the bridge and stuff.
oh wow. How did you do collision on a height map? Thats the one thing holding back my game! I can't figure out how to do collision on complex objects. I tried to use your mesh collision class but its too laggy, even with simplified models.
I know how you feel, collision detection has also held me back a lot. I can't explain collision in a comment, since it is very complex. My collisionMesh class is not optimized yet, so having more than 20-30 triangles could create lag, if you also are running other intense game logic. I am trying to improve the class by adding more bounding boxes, so that even with very complex models, only 5-10 triangles will need to be tested. It is not my highest priority right now, but maybe in the upcoming week, i will release an optimized version of the collisionMesh sample.
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